Where does the surplus food come from?
We get our food from a variety of sources, including restaurants, grocery stores, urban farms, and other food businesses. It is simply overstock, but perfectly good to eat!
Shouldn't surplus food go to charities instead of being sold?
Absolutely! Which is why we exist.
Many charities and non-profits operate on tight budgets and have limited resources to sort, process, and cook high volumes of surplus ingredients. So while a charity might not have the capacity to turn a few flats of assorted vegetables and proteins into useable meals, we do.
By turning a small portion of the surplus into this product line, we hope to bring in revenue to continue cooking the remainder for non-profits and charities, and then donate pre-made meals that they can more easily use.
So if your primary goals are social, why aren't you a charity?
The short answer: We didn't want to do that much paperwork.
Where can we find your products?
Besides here on the online store?
We're aiming to partner with a few shops and small businesses around town to provide local pickup options, if online shopping isn't your thing. If you head over to the contact page and join the newsletter, you'll be the first to know when we're in stores!
How can I get involved?
The easiest way to get involved right now would be to volunteer for Vancouver Food Runners as a food rescue driver.
We hope to have more opportunities to get invovled with ReRoot in the very near future!